Game of Micronations Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS, Creator
Game of MicronationsDr. Lauren Friedman DDS, Creator


MicroNationsGame.pdf - Created by Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS
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Scenario Card

#  92        <Variations>  Changing the Options / Rules of the MicroNations Game will change the Odds - in your favor, or against you.

1   $1M        Play it Safe.  Let the Rolls of the Dice set my fate.  {1:10}

2   $5M        Risk-Taker.  {5:10}

3   $9M        Creative.  {9:10}  (consider Plan B from Outer Space - Ed Wood)

4   $7M        Calculated Risk-Taker.  {7:10}

5   $-3M        Able to Lie, Cheat, and/or Steal.  {-3:10}

6   $_M        _

& 99 more Scenario Cards for you.



Game of MicroNations

the Ultimate Strategy Game is Real! ®  © 2015-2021


  1. News of MicroNations (mNs)    (page 2)
  2. Maps of MicroNations     (page 5)
  3. Quick Rules & Rules of the MicroNations Game     (page 10)
  4. Game Pieces of the MicroNations Game     (page 17)
  5. Mottos of the MicroNations     (page 18)
  6. Dice of the MicroNations Game     (page 19)
  7. Currencies of the MicroNations Game     (page 20)
  8. Secret Weapons of the MicroNations Game     (page 26)
  9. Scorecard Currencies of the MicroNations Game     (page 30)
  10. Scorecard Dice of the MicroNations Game     (page 36)
  11. Languages of the MicroNations     (page 37)
  12. Scenario Cards Deck #1 of the MicroNations Game     (page 39)
  13. Scenario Marketplace Cards of the MicroNations Game     (page 64)
  14. EULA = End User License Agreement     (page 69 to the end)


MicroNations Game

the Ultimate Strategy Game is Real! ®  © 2015-2024


Created by Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS

Msg & Fax:  1-800-801-8730


Contact Us Today!

Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS, Dentist in West Los Angeles, 90064


Phone: 1-800-801-8730


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MicroNations Game created by Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS (c) 2017-2024