Scenario Card:
# 04 <Students> United Students (UStud) Micronation is the Voice of the Micro-Millennials. What will we come up with next?
1 $1M UStud is also the name of their Jock President - Jock U. Stud.
2 $8M UStud is the Most Interconnected MicroNation. Every Citizen has a Cell Phone, iPad, iPod, Android Tablet, Laptop Computer, … & their childhood room in their Parent's Home.
3 $5M UStud National Sport is Quidditch. Broomsticks are issued free to all Netizens. Rules of the Game are Online, of course.
4 $-3M They are called Micro-Millennials because their 2nd Growth Spurt has not kicked in yet.
5 $-9M UStud has the Largest National Debt of all the MicroNations combined.
6 $_M _
& 99 more Scenario Cards for you.
2016 is Break-out Year for MicroNations:
2015 and before, there were about 98 MicroNations.
2016 represents the Formation of the United MicroNations (UmN), Micro-United Nations (mUN), which will more than quadruple the number of MicroNations in the World & beyond.
========== USA MicroNations News ==========
09/2016 University Fraternities, Sororities & Fan Base:
MicroNations Game has Tournaments. Gamers post the Winners on the MicroNations Game User Groups on Yahoo, Google+, Facebook, & Twitter. Marketplace is growing with more New MicroNations joining our United microNations.
06/2015 Astoria, Oregon, USA: "Fake Orca's mission is a flop"
A 32-foot motorized fiberglass replica Killer Whale was used to scare off hundreds of Sea Lions on Oregonian Docks. It Capsized. (from the Los Angeles Times Newspaper). Whole Earth Enlightenment (WEE) MicroNation took objection to this sham Orca. The Enlightened Sam said, "We have been advocating for the Whales for decades. Greenpeace has joined our crusade. I disavow any part in the demise of this plastic false orca. I cannot speak for those Greenpeace folk." WEE banished that Orca Whale & it's Owner from Membership in the Save the Whales MicroNation.
04/2015 Anaheim, CA, USA: Micro Con 2015 - first ever.
17 MicroNations were in attendance, next to Disneyland. (Please refer to the Article in the Week Magazine, 06/04/2015).
03/2016 San Diego, CA, USA: "SeaWorld's image problems"
Orca Whales & Killer Whales in captivity perform for Visitors at SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. Breeding Programs continue.
WEE MicroNation Head of State sits in the Bleachers weekly for the Whale Shows. Why? He paid for 1 Admission, & got the rest of the year for free. Good Economics for WEE Imports.
========== United MicroNations (UmN) News ==========
06/2015 United MicroNations (UmN) is Formed:
New MicroNations are submitting their Credentials to the United MicroNations (UmN), Micro-United Nations (mUN).
2015 United MicroNations - UmN verses mUN:
Listening to the Debate on the United MicroNations Floor, the Members are quite divided on the use of the initials - UmN or mUN. We encourage your feedback also.
Nations in the real United Nations (UN) have voted on this issue, too. So far, no MicroNation has gained Diplomatic Recognition.
Please Vote, & tell us why you voted for UmN or mUN. or eMail to
========== WORLD MicroNations News ==========
Germany leads the World in creating & publishing STRATEGY BOARD GAMES.
Favorite Board Games & Online Games such as Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan, Caverna, & more.
Creators of the German Strategy Board Games place their Names prominently on the Box. They have a Following. They are Celebrities. We can be, too!
07/2015 PoliNation 3rd Conference, July 4-5, 2015:
The Free Republic of Alcatraz, Perugia, Italy hosted their third Annual Conference. At least 13 MicroNations attended.
MicroNations Game
the Ultimate Strategy Game is Real! ™ © 2015-2024
Created by Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS
Msg & Fax: 1-800-801-8730