Scenario Card:
# 71 <Work> Economic Jobs Report in our MicroNation:
1 $0M _ MicroNation has had the most yearly Extremes.
2 $0M Our 1 Citizen has been alternatively Employed & Unemployed - 100% -> 0% -> 100% -> 0%.
3 $9M MicroNations with Real Land never have a 100% Unemployment Rate - they just Default to Share Croppers!
4 $9M Work! What, me work?!?! I want to play MicroNations Game.
5 $6M Virtual MicroNations pay in Virtual Ephemeral Currencies -> 100% Employment Rate.
6 $_M _
Scenario Card:
# 73 <Soccer> World Cup of Football. Which MicroNations would participate?
1 $3M All MicroNations would join in.
2 $-2M USA MicroNations would send American Football Players to the Soccer Match.
3 $-5M Most MicroNations don't have more than 2 or 3 Citizens - too small for a Team.
4 $0M No MicroNations would join in. And, only for Quidditch!
5 $-4M No Sports Athletes are Heads of State of MicroNations.
6 $_M _
Scenario Card:
# 82 <Pollution> What are MicroNations doing about Cap & Trade?
1 $5M Virtual MicroNations have lowest Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
2 $-5M Virtual MicroNations have no money to Buy Carbon Credits.
3 $-3M Virtual Carbon Credits are Cheaper than Real Carbon Credits.
4 $0M We only have 2 Cars, 0 Trucks, 0 Trains, 0 Boats, 1 Rowboat.
5 $7M Cap our Head of State's Mouth, & Trade him!
6 $_M _
Scenario Card:
# 88 <Psychology> Please, people, give it a rest; & Get a Life!
1 $9M Hey! When did you Laugh this hard with enjoyment of a game.
2 $5M How often did you come up with a Funny Answer for #6?
3 $9M This Game is about Creativity, Thinking, Strategy, Real Life.
4 $9M My Virtual Life in my MicroNation is way better.
5 $3M I have a Life! But, Game of MicroNations adds to it.
6 $_M _
Scenario Card:
# 89 <Status> How do you achieve World-Class Status & Int'l Recognition?
1 $-5M It is not from this Job I have now.
2 $5M Instantly & Easily, create my own MicroNation.
3 $9M Join the United MicroNations Marketplace.
4 $9M Export. Import. Barter. Trade. Advertise. Network.
5 $7M MicroNations Online Forums. Blogs. Websites. eMails.
6 $_M _
& 95 more Scenario Cards for you.
MicroNations Game
the Ultimate Strategy Game is Real! ™ © 2015-2024
Created by Dr. Lauren Friedman DDS
Msg & Fax: 1-800-801-8730